THRIVE Admission Process  (To learn more before applying, please go to our Contact Us page or text 404-538-8512)

  1. Read all of the material on our website and FB page. Prayerfully consider our group.

  2. Fill out the on-line application above.

  3. A background check on the parent serving and signed statement of faith is required. Parent serving, please complete a background check through this link:

  4. The director will call you to set up a time for an interview. This interview is a time for everyone to get to know one another and assure that THRIVE is a good fit for the student and family.

  5. If accepted into our program, an email will be sent with directions on how to enroll and set up payments.

  6. The following documents below will be signed electronically upon enrollment. You must be able to agree with our Statement of Faith below.